I’m a local official and leader of my community. Why should I care about this?
As a local leader, you know all too well that we are burdened with a broken municipal finance system. We have seen money diverted by the state, precipitous drops in property values that are now horribly constrained by tax limitations, and little to no ability to raise money locally. We need a new way forward. We need a system that will track not only with a weak economy, but with a strong one as well.
Our ability to create strong communities is at the precipice, and we must begin to change the system to properly fund the services that matter most: local services. We are the front line on almost every issue that our residents care about, but we have built a system that simply cannot sustain us, and certainly won’t invigorate a strong Michigan. Michigan is a collection of cities, villages, and townships. Our residents identify and care deeply about their little corner of the state and we owe it to them to make our little piece of it the best possible place.
In order to do that we need to fund what matters, and we need your help. As local officials, you understand this issue better than anyone. We encourage you to ask your legislator to rethink budget priorities and stay engaged on the broader issue of reforming our system. We need to fund what matters most. Our system is horribly broken and, left unchanged, will prevent us from having the Michigan we all want and deserve. Please take a minute and sign up to receive action alerts and help us SaveMICity.
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